FeedbackLoop Label proudly presents you the first ep of 2011 by Monolyth and Cobalt. And I couldn't think of a better way to start 2011, as Monolyth and Cobalt is such a talented artist, that isn't afraid of expanding the boundaries of ambient and classical music.
In this gorgeous ep La température du feuillage entre deux saisons the listener takes a trip through desolate landscapes, but always with insights on the beauty that lies within. Much like a flower blossoming amidst the burnt soil. These are probably not familiar grounds, but they are captivating due to their intrinsic beauty. Noise, feedback, strings, piano, drones, field recordings, silence all working to deliver a deep emotional experience. Another key highlight of the ep its the sonic diversity presented, from almost noise dark ambient into Durutti Column filigrees, and weeping strings, everything can happen, but an astonishing coherence is delivered. Breathe deeply and listen carefully for this is a great piece of music.
Leonardo Rosado
Monolyth & Cobalt is the music project from Mathias Van Eecloo, a french artist who encompasses music, photography and performance.
Mathias works with many acoustic instruments like Harmonium, Piano, Various Strings, melodica and some human sound such as breath on tape, fields recordings. He also uses modern technology inclusing samplers, sequencer & effects processors.
All of his music works are released like some book chapters, some soundtracks for imaginary landscapes bringing to mind the film work of Tarkovski, David Lynch, Kubrik and Hitchcock.
His music oscillates between electro-acoustic, electronica, drone, ambient, minimalist or shoegaze.
There are no borders to focus his feelings in sounds, he works in this way that escapes any musical limitations which crosses musical genres and evokes images of the past and the future combined with his compositions.
His first release has been edited on Kesh recordings in 2010 and in parallel he works actually on an important featuring project, The Clyde Parker Project Session who will be finished in January 2011, an eclectic music project with some music artists from various horizons, various countries and with some different music practices.
mastered by madSavVy Productions
photos by Monolyth and Cobalt
cover design by Leonardo Rosado
(cc) by nc nd January 2011